Weekend Adventures

Picture of Amber Lacilla

I realized at the start of this weekend that I only have another month left in Ireland! I feel as though I have not explored enough, so I finished my college work on Saturday, so I could have the weekend to explore the Dublin region. Saturday afternoon, I walked around my home stay neighborhood and saw the sites close to me. I walked into Raheny, Ireland and visited the churches and village center. I was blessed to have great weather and managed to do some necessary shopping before the week starts again. I also helped my host mom decorate the house for Halloween. It was amazing. The family is creative and fun so we had a great time!

This was a picture of the church in Raheny. It looked beautiful with the trees on both sides of it with their changing leaves.
I took this photo at the bottom of the mountain. I liked that the mountain, the island, and the main land were all in the picture.

On Sunday, my host sister and I traveled to Howth to site see. She showed me her favorite restaurants and showed me the boats. Howth was probably the most beautiful place I have visited so far. There was a mountain surrounded by water, friendly people, and so many animals walking and flying around. We walked up the mountain to the very top to watch the sun set. We had a lot of fun on the way, even though we had to battle through paths covered in nettles! My host sister helped me take some amazing pictures and we made a lot of memories there. We went to a “world famous fish and chips” place for dinner. I am not sure why it is “world famous” but we had fun none-the-less. The best part was afterwards when we went across the street from the Dart station to get ice cream cones! Though we were freezing the entire train ride back to the house, it was worth it because the ice cream was delicious! I could not have asked for a better weekend and I cannot wait to continue my travels this week. I will make the most of the rest of my time here in Ireland.

I was surprised this picture came out as well as it did. It was very windy on the top of the Howth mountain but I liked the way the sun was shining on me in the picture.
This was a photo of our view from the top of the beginning of the mountain in Howth. We wanted to see where we started and where we ended up.
It was extremely windy on top of the mountain but I really wanted a silhouette of me in the sun. I know I look crazy but it was fun trying to get this shot.

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